Ansible Quick Tip: How to add an Inline Comment

If you’ve ever wanted to add a comment block to a file with Ansible it is pretty easy. Just add the “comment” filter to the text you want to use as a comment. But what if you want to have an inline comment?

For example, in a Linux config file like /etc/hosts you can have Ansible add a comment block:

# This is for my NAS
# nas

But, what if you want to have the comment at the end of the line (an inline comment)? nas # This is for my NAS

Ansible Comment

Adding a comment with Ansible is easy.
And when adding a comment in a Linux config file, you need to use the # character.
This can be accomplished using Ansible’s “comment filter“.

ansible_variable1: " nas {{ 'This is for my NAS' | comment }}"

The result will be:

TASK [Print normal comment] ********************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "#\n# This is for my NAS\n#\n192.168.1.100 nas"

And when using something like the Ansible Module lineinfile, you would get:

# This is for my NAS
# nas

Ansible Inline Comment

Adding an inline comment with Ansible isn’t obvious. You can’t just add the # character as part of the text in the Ansible yaml. Because that’s actually a comment in the yaml file.
You need to use Ansible’s “comment filter“, like a normal comment, however you need to change a few options.

Modify the prefix and postfix options for the comment filter:

ansible_variable2: " nas {{ 'This is for my NAS' | comment('plain', prefix='', postfix='') }}"

The result will be:

TASK [Print inline comment] ********************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": " nas # This is for my NAS\n"

And when using something like the Ansible Module lineinfile, you would get: nas # This is for my NAS


Here is a demo Ansible Playbook to test with.

- hosts: localhost
  name: Ansible Inline Comment Demo
    my_other_var: "nas"
    ansible_variable1: "{{ 'This is for my NAS' | comment }}\n192.168.1.100 {{ my_other_var }}"
    ansible_variable2: " {{ my_other_var }} {{ 'This is for my NAS' | comment('plain', prefix='', postfix='') }}"

    - name: Print normal comment
        msg: "{{ ansible_variable1 }}"

    - name: Print inline comment
        msg: "{{ ansible_variable2 }}"

If you want to get started with Ansible, check out my post: Getting Started with Ansible. It has some Ansible basics that can help you get started.