Malicious code and abandoned websites

Malicious code and abandoned websites are increasingly becoming more of a problem. It’s a serious issue in terms of privacy and security.
TL;DR: Website owners: Be careful when using third-party code that you don’t control.
Users: Hope for the best! Use a content blocker browser add-on like uBlock Origin. On your mobile device use Firefox with uBlock Origin.

User Management with Ansible

Ansible is a great tool to automate all the things. Another task it can help to automate is user management. This guide will be talking specifically about user management on Linux servers like Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS, or Ubuntu. Ansible can handle this task!

Ansible Vault with Jenkins

Ansible can use encrypted files, using a feature called Ansible Vault. This is great for sensitive information that you don’t want to store as a normal text file since you are able to encrypt this data in your souce control.

Upgrade SSH keys and use gpg-agent with Ed25519 keys

SSH keys are convenient and more secure than using a password to authenticate. If you created your SSH key a while ago, it’s probably time to generate new RSA 4096 and Ed25519 keys. SSH keys like DSA and RSA 1024 are very old and now insecure. You should even upgrade ssh keys that are RSA 2048.

Getting Started with Ansible on Ubuntu or CentOS

Setup Ansible - Getting Started with Ansible This is a guide to getting started with Ansible. By the end of this guide, you will be up and running with Ansible.
Included is an Ansible role that will create a user which is used by Ansible to connect to your remote servers. Let’s go! After installing Ansible, you will need to setup Ansible by following these steps.

How to setup OpenVPN with ad blocking on Raspberry Pi or a VPS

Ad Overload happens.. Is Ad Blocking possible in NYC? Using a VPN can help to protect your privacy. You can use a VPN to appear like you are in another country to reach a website that was previously blocked, to stop your ISP from restricting you to certain websites, and when travelling to protect your data while using insecure WiFi. There’s another: ad blocking.

Firefox privacy and custom settings made easy

Change Firefox privacy settings with user.js Firefox is a fast and customizable web browser. And with the latest version called Firefox Quantum it is faster than ever! It is great to load websites fast, but there’s another amazing feature. Changing the Firefox privacy settings to be more effective at making user tracking more difficult. And you can make all these changes in a single configuration file.

Using Ansible to Update Ubuntu, CentOS, and Redhat

Keeping your software updated is important. You get the newest features, and more importantly, you also get the latest security fixes. This Ansible role can automate the updates to your Ubuntu, CentOS, and Redhat servers with the latest packages, reboot if needed and wait for the server to start up.

Recommended Android Apps

Many applications are available for Android which is one of the reasons Android is so good. Here is my recommended list of Android apps. Most are free, but some of the best apps do cost a little.

How to Boost Your Website: Ultimate Image Optimization Guide

Speed Up WordPress Image Optimization GuideYou want your website to load fast. How? Speed Up WordPress with this Image Optimization Guide.

A fast website is good for your visitors, and it’s good for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranking in Google. One way to get your website to load fast is to reduce the size of what needs to load when a visitor goes to your website. Pictures can be a huge contributor to your website’s page size. How can you fix this? Let’s talk about how to Speed up WordPress with Image Optimization.