Docker and the iptables INPUT chain

When testing Docker and iptables I stumbled upon something interesting. It appears Docker uses the iptables INPUT chain in an undocumented way. Well that’s interesting..

Manage firewalld with Ansible

Ansible manage firewalld Managing firewalld can be a tricky. Especially if you have many servers to manage. Ansible can help manage firewalld rules for you!

Find Version Tag for Latest Docker Image

If you’ve ever used Docker, you’ve probably used the latest Docker image tag. This is bad. Do not do this! You will be in a situation where you need to find what version you were actually using. This is how you can find the version of that “latest” image you have running.

Ansible Role to Test Network Connectivity

Ansible is used to do so many things. And if you already use Ansible for your automation tasks then you already have it ready to go. So why not use Ansible to test network connectivity?

Dockerfile ARG FROM ARG trouble with Docker

Dockerfile ARG

Using a dynamic Dockerfile can have great benefits when used in your CI/CD pipeline. You can use the ARG statement in your Dockerfile to pass in a variable at build time. Even use a variable in the FROM statement!

5 Reasons Why You Should Upgrade Windows to Linux


It’s time. Windows users, Upgrade to Linux. Windows 7 is reaching the end. You must upgrade. Do not replace Windows 7 with Windows 10. That is not an upgrade! Upgrade Windows to Linux Mint. It’s so much better!

Buttons in WordPress 5.3

buttonsButtons Everywhere! But not just normal buttons.. These are some cool buttons. Buttons from a simpler time perhaps.

How To Set Up And Customize WordPress Twenty Twenty Theme

Phenomenal Cosmic Fonts! Itty Bitty Living Space.WordPress 5.3 has a new default theme called Twenty Twenty. Like all new things on the web, we get more space around everything. We also get MASSIVE fonts! Along with a narrow area to show all the text content, and embedded fonts which waste bandwidth. It’s not all bad though. And we can fix it!

Guide to WordPress as a Static Site

WordPress static html fast like this motorcycleRunning your own WordPress site can have it’s challenges. What if you could have all the benefits of WordPress, and also all the benefits of a static site? WordPress as a static site is the answer.

WordPress Search using DuckDuckGo

WordPress search using DuckDuckGo search engineWordPress has a built-in search feature which allows a site using self-hosted WordPress to search local pages and posts, and then display the results on the site. What if you want to use an external search engine like DuckDuckGo to do this instead?