How to Automatically Add Watermark using WordPress

How to Automatically Add WatermarkMost people have pictures on their website. If you don’t have any pictures, you probably should! When these pictures are original works you don’t want other people using them. Another reason to add a watermark is if you want your logo on your pictures so people can identify your brand.

Essential Guide to Images on your Website

Essential Guide to Images on your WebsiteUsing images on your website is crucial these days. Images can help give your website some excitement. The right images on your website will even help you boost conversion rates.

Another reason to use images in your articles is for an added increase of search engine optimization (SEO).

Stop iframe Content Theft

Stop iframe Content TheftDon’t let your website be a victim of content theft!
Stop other websites from using your website content with their message (overlay) over top.

Some websites offer a “service” to create their own call to action over top of any website. Why is this a problem? If some other person is using your content with their own call to action or ads on top it can appear that they created the content.

They are getting the benefit from your content. Some would consider that content theft. At best it’s pretty shady.

The Best WordPress Lightbox Plugin

Best WordPress Lightbox PluginToo many websites have a poor look and feel to them. The user experience of your website needs to be awesome.

One easy way to improve the user experience is by having your pictures displayed beautifully. How? In this post I’ll talk about the best WordPress Lightbox plugin, and a few alternatives.

How to Update WordPress

How to Update WordPressIn this post I’ll discuss how to update WordPress. Along with why you need to stay current, and tips for knowing when to update.



How to Make a WordPress Backup

How to Make a WordPress BackupIn this post I’ll talk about how to make a WordPress backup for your website.



Find Broken Links on your Website

How to Find Broken Links on your WebsiteIn this post I’ll show you how to find broken links on your website and fix them.



The Best WordPress Plugins to Kick-Start your Blog

Best Wordpress Plugins to Kick-Start your BlogIn this post I will show you the most helpful plugins you should use when starting a WordPress blog or website.
Now that you have a website or blog started and have installed your WordPress theme, it’s time to install all the plugins you need. I will show you the best WordPress plugins to get your blog functioning so it does exactly what you want it to.

Plugins can do lots of different things, from making your content more shareable to making your website load faster and improve search engine ranking. See those social media icons at the top of this post, those are from a plugin.

Before you start publishing content, take a look at the following plugins that I recommend.

How to Choose a WordPress Theme for your Blog or Website

How to choose a WordPress ThemeIn this post I will take a close look at all of the things you need to consider when choosing a WordPress Theme. I will also provide you with some of my picks for the best WordPress themes.


What is WordPress?

What is WordPressWordPress has a long history considering it is in a fast paced industry. Many products have come and gone but WordPress has evolved to become one of the most popular software products to run a website on the internet.